Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Will Spend Christmas Together

Previous reports suggested that our Breaking Dawn friends, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart would be spending Christmas apart with their families. Kristen in LA and RPatz in the UK. We imagined them weeping over their stockings on Christmas morn that their love was so many seas away.

Alas! Their plans may changed and now RPatz will be jetting over to LA to spend Christmas or at least the Christmas holidays with Kristen Stewart.

A source for Hollwood Life explained: “They will be together for the holidays and they are happily together in LA and relaxing away from the limelight.”

However, they added: “They will be spending some time with Kristens’s family for the holiday, but not necessarily Christmas.”

Hey, here’s an idea, Rob why don’t you fly your whole family over to LA and then all y’all can be together at Christmas. That’s what we’d do if we were young, rich and had a fit girlfriend like Kristen.

Source: Sugar Scape

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