‘New Moon’ Madrid Fan Event Update

As you all know, on November 12th the Fan Event with the actors from The Twilight Saga: New Moon will take place in the Vistalegre Palace. Thanks to Florparapluie for the translation!

Event’s description:
The event will start at 19:15. Apart from the anticipated presence of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), Bella Swan (Kristen Stwart), Jacob Black
(Taylor Lautner) and the director of the movie, Chris Weitz, we’ll be able to enjoy the performance of the music group No Way Out (who are part of the movie soundtrack with their song “Sed”), previews of the movie, thematic performances about the Saga, contests and many more surprises .

The Doors to access the event will open at approximately 17:15 and they will close at 19:00 for security reasons. People that by that time haven’t accessed the venue won’t be able to get in, no matter if they already have a ticket. The three actors and the director will sign autographs and reply to fans’ questions in which promises to be THE event of the year.If you don’t want to miss it, we will inform you how the tickets will be distributed.

The Palace Vistalegre has a capacity for 5300 people. All tickets for the event are free and can be obtained by these different channels:
– Palace of Vistalegre’s ticket office: The tickets office on the South entrance will open at 10AM to hand in 1750 tickets. You can take only ONE ticket per person and the first 250 will be for the VIP zone.
– Antena3’s Web: Antena3.com and Antena3TV are activating different ways to participate and get tickets.
– Happing: Coca-Cola’s online store will give prices for the event in the next few days.
– Official Twilight Saga web (www.lasagacrepusculo.com): 5 double VIP tickets will be given.
– Entradas.com: 5000 tickets will be drawn between the people that bought anticipated tickets for New Moon in entradas.com site.
– Kia Motors: Cars brand Kia will also distribute tickets this week through their site: web: www.kialunanueva.es

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