Kristen Stewart ‘New Moon’ Brazil Press Conference Interview

Here are the complete interview of Kristen at the ‘New Moon’ Brazil Press Conference on November 1, 2009.

In the beginning, even before New Moon started to be shooted, there were rumors and the possibility of you (Kristen and Taylor) do not work together because Taylor may no longer attend the filming. How was that? How did you feel?

Kristen Stewart – It was strange. But most important was that, although he was much younger, we all had a full conviction that it was the right person for the role. There wouldn’t be another person who could take his place. There were no fights. Nothing of the sort. Not really. The studio just needed to make sure that Taylor would play the role of Jacob again.

How was the experience of you in the at Comic Con, in July this year in San Diego, with so many passionate fans and devoted to you?
Kristen Stewart – It was nice. It was the first time we had an experience like that. They were really anxious, excited. It was good to see the reaction of them all.
Why do you think the series was so successful in Brazil, since we don’t have this culture of vampirism?
Kristen Stewart – I think it’s because it is much more than a vampire story. The whole world can compare with the characters in one way or another. Okay they are vampires and werewolves, but they are basically characters. But they live human feelings. After all, is a love story. Put into most extreme level possible, but it is a love story. We use the plot as a metaphor for that.

A search by a large Brazilian site where children and teens voted for Taylor as the best actor of the moment, surpassing even the votes for Robert Pattinson. What you think about that? The character of Robert Pattinson, Edward Cullen, didn’t appear in the book like he appears in the film.
Kristen Stewart – It was a purely creative process. The reason that he appears in the movie more is because it’s basically a personification of Bella’s thoughts. In the book, he talks to her in thought. In the film, we see the illustration of this. He appears in dreams, in subjective ideas of Bella. After all, during almost the whole movie, she has he in mind.

Why, in the opinion of Taylor, the character Bella should be with Jacob?
Kristen Stewart – Jacob is who she should be. She feels free with him. Isn’t tense beside him. But like everyone knows, the girls never make the best choice in these cases (laughs). For Bella, it’s a battle to deal with all this, with this choice.

You read the books before filming?
Kristen Stewart – I only read after reading the scripts. I fell in love after reading the scripts. I’m usually not interested in enter in a bookstore and walk in the teen session, so there wasn’t much that curiosity. But then, yes, read them all.

How was the process of physical transformation of the character of Taylor, Jacob Black (cut the long locks, 14kg of muscle), which are evident in the new saga?
Kristen Stewart (interrupting) – He was not sure that would be called to New Moon and he was there, devoting himself, training. He didn’t know if he would play Jacob again. For that reason, he coming back was such a delight. He is dedicated. Deserves it.

What are your favorite scenes, in both: Twilight and New Moon?
Kristen Stewart – I agree. This part of the room was great! In New Moon, the scene that Bella pushes Edward is my favorite.

What the girls who idolize Bella must do to be like her, dress like her, since Bella has become an icon of fashion and behavior?
Kristen Stewart – I don’t know! You should watch the movie. And Bella isn’t a fashion icon. She doesn’t worry about it. She wears anything that makes her warm and comfortable. Just it.

What do you had the time to meet while you were here these two days?
Kristen Stewart – We are the last 24 hours inside the hotel

Source: BR Press / Translated by Taty via Twifans

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