Here’s one of the intervew parts of Julianne Moore mentioning Kristen Stewart.
Is there anyone whose career trajectory you look at it and would like to emulate?
I don’t know. It’s not like that. I mean, there are actresses that I admire—I mean, you know, Meryl, for one. You know, she was on the cover of Time magazine in, like, 1977 or something like that, I think, because I was in high school and I remember I said to my dad, I said, “Do you see this woman?” I said, “She’s amazing, and she’s doing all this stuff!” So she was the one contemporary actress that I kind of noticed, so I was like, “Holy cow!” But, then, I see it everywhere.I see all sorts of performers that I admire, I have admired. And I think when an actor is able to, like, kind of bring an emotion, you know— Isabelle Huppert, always—I watch her and I’m like, “Holy cow!” She makes me feel something. Kathy Bates—I actually once stopped Kathy Bates because she’s done so many performances where she starts to do something and then, like, all this feeling comes up, you know? Dianne Wiest is another one. I mean, there are just so many. Young people? Kristen Stewart in “Into the Wild,” you know? Kate Winslet’s always beautiful. I mean, there are so many.