KStewartSource.com will be covering the ‘New Moon’ Munich Event, We will update you everything like tweets, news & media etc.. Stay tune & keep checking back!
Live Tweets:
- Twilight_Nusa: #LIVEFROMMUNICH The Bravo Award is for Best Movie of The year, they called it Golden Otto
- Twilight_Nusa: #LIVEFROMMUNICH We heard R/K will be receiving Bravo Award once they’re on stage
- miratl: #LIVEFROMMUNICH around 14-15000 ppl here, and they playing the NewMoon soundtrack in the background
- Lutzus: they said the stars are in the house! Countdown 😀
- Twilight_Nusa: #LIVEFROMMUNICH More pic from inside the hall. FULL!! http://yfrog.com/0ih2zrj
- CullensCorner: #LIVEFROMMUNICH: just a few minutes now, Kristen. Robert and Taylor are on the way to the stage….wohooooo
- Twilight_Nusa: #LIVEFROMMUNICH Just a few moments… then they’re there! Kristen, Taylor, Robert & Chris!
- Twilight_Nusa: #LIVEFROMMUNICH The lights ON! http://yfrog.com/j6k3fj
- TwilightWiki: #LIVEFROMMUNICH Next act: Daniel Schuhmacher
- CullensCorner: #LIVEFROMMUNICH tooooootally dark now
- _German_Girl_: Omg They are on stage!!! #LIVEFROMMUNICH
- Lara82: Last sports act, new moon stars on stage in about 10 min. Cant wait! #LIVEFROMMUNICH
- CullensCorner: #LIVEFROMMUNICH they show a new scene and then the second trailer in german
- Alica87: #livefrommunich birthday scene before paper cut, bike scene with jacob,edward vision,jacob shirtless,behind the scenes and itw
- CullensCorner: #LIVEFROMMUNICH now the italy scene, edrwad without shirt and everywhere screamin girls xD