BREAKING: Kristen Stewart Offered Kei In AKIRA

Has Jaume Collet-Sera’s Akira found its female lead?

Twitch was the first to bring word of Gary Oldman, Helena Bonham Carter and Garrett Hedlund being offered parts in the Warner Brothers backed US adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo’s classic manga and now we have learned that Kristen Stewart has been offered the part of Kei, a young medium who becomes the love interest for Kaneda – the role already offered to Hedlund.

Stewart is a choice that makes sense on most levels – she’s certainly talented and has name recognition far above most in her generation – but also concerning in that none of the Twilight cast, Stewart included, have been able to find any sort of success outside of that franchise withTwilight fans not caring what any of them do elsewhere and everyone else generally staying away because of the Twilight stigma. Could this break the trend if Stewart accepts? Possibly – that it’s more of a support role than a lead will help – but it’s a somewhat risky move.

Source: Twitch Film

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