“I am from Sao Paulo and I lodged with my family in the hotel where the actors Kristen and Robert are – I’m visiting.
I’m not a fan of the saga, but I admire these actors. I found them at lunch, they were with Stephenie Meyer and a girl at a table and other guys in another. I don’t understand English very much, even less the European accent the girl had, but I admire it and I could see that they are really nice. At the hotel they asked me if I was a fan and not to bother them. I had no problem with it, I respect their space and privacy.Kristen approached where I was, next to the waiter, said something in English that he understood and replied, and she greeted me. I gave her a greeting back, smiling. Kristen waited for the menu to order. She was talking with the other girl in English and I couldn’t understand anything. Robert and Stephenie Meyer were on the table waiting for her and looked to her a lot (not exaggerating).
For many girls who are fans of the series would have liked to be in my place, however for me was like seeing ordinary people. I only found out today that they came here to Brazil to shoot some scenes for the last movie. I can say that Kristen is a very beautiful girl, Kristen and Rob actually are together. They were very tender to each other, Robert is very attentive to and loving towards her.
I’m staying for a week and I think I’ll see them again. It’s a pleasant experience. To see these actors was something amazing. I never thought that where I would stay I would find these actors who are admired by thousands and thousands of fans.”
– D Luana Santos
Source: Dario Twilight