On Ashley’s recent interview with MTV, she mentioned Kristen Stewart during the conversation.
MTV: You guys have become such good friends and have so much downtime between takes. What sort of things do you talk about when the cameras aren’t rolling?
Greene: Between takes? Gosh, everything. YouTube was a big topic of conversation; we were sharing YouTube videos. Which was kinda funny, because [we’d be filming a] really intense situation, and then they would yell, “Cut!” and we would have 20 minutes and we’d break out “Kittens Inspired by Kittens.” It’s this little girl reading a kittens book. [Laughs.]MTV: So Alice and Bella would be giggling between all that drama?
Greene: Yeah, there was a lot of that, just a lot of giggling and laughing. During “New Moon,” especially in Italy, me and Kristen were, like, the only girls. So there was a lot of girly giggling going on.