Great news Crushers! We’re going to be rolling out tons and tons of “New Moon” content over the next few weeks to keep you charged up and revving to go for the movie’s big release come November 20 (we’re betting a vast majority of you, however, have tickets for the midnight showing the night before though… right?). You got a quick sneak peek at all the treasures we have yet to reveal on Friday night when Robert Pattinson shared with us what shocking thing he came across when he typed his name into his Google search bar.
There is plenty more Edward and the rest of the gang on the docket, but while we get ready to unleash all of Larry Carroll’s awesome interviews into the wild, we wanted you to have an backstage look at MTV News’ interviews during the “NM” Beverly Hills Press event. So click on the images below and enjoy. Oh, and, please note how much Kristen Stewart’s t-shirt resembles our backdrop. Great minds think alike.